Our Open Access computers only let you save your NVivo projects on our server - you cannot store them on the local computer or on an external hard drive. The NVivo Server enables you to store your NVivo project centrally and access it from any internet-connected computer. QSR International provides an additional one month grace period, and so all NVivo licence codes should remain valid until the end of July. Your NVivo licence code generally lasts for 12 months from the start of July.
Once you have obtained the Nvivo installers and licence code, you are ready to install the software. To download the NVivo installer, click one of the links below. To obtain the current NVivo licence code please type your username in the field below. For example, if a user wants to open an NVivo 12 (Windows) project, they must have NVivo 12 (Windows), or later, installed. NVivo does not provide forward compatibility - the user cannot open a project with a later format. The original project is not modified instead a converted copy of the project is created. NVivo provides backward compatibility-if a user with a later version of NVivo attempts to open a project in an earlier format (for example, a user opens an NVivo 11 project in NVivo 12 (Windows)), the user is prompted to convert the project to the later format.